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If you want to contribute to the stream, you can do it by triggering "alerts" for certain amounts. They will work with either tips or the equivalent in bits (1$USD = 100 bits) - for any alert higher than 5$, you'll also get a qwoin for a priority request! 


Andy's Family

6.66$   - Céline (wrecks the stream)
9.69$   - Family time in the Spa (hot tub alert) 

10.10$ - Çtéfane (Gives you a pickup line)
10.14$ - Geonny (Ctéfane's dad) 
12.12$ - Cynthia (Excuse for bailing)
12.14$ - Gino (Cynthia's dad) 

13.13$ - Andypops Moments 
$ - Cynthia's life hacks (french) 
19.19$ - GrannyTheFrenchy (Trad singing)
20.03$ - Çuzie's race (Racing game) 
20.24$ - Family moments (skits) 
22.22$ - CHANTAL (Exercice)
22.24$ - Gerry (Chantal's dad)

66.66$ - Céline's hex (and takeover)
222$    - Chantalpocalypse
444$    - The Megapocalypse


The "Movies" (video edits)

6.46$   - DIY Intro MGM
7.77$   - DIY Intro (Random)
8.67$   - DIY Intro TOS

11$      - Teen Andy's dance intermission
12$      - DIY Intro Andisney
13$      - Andy Bloopers
14$      - DIY Intro Andixar
15$      - DIY Intro Qweenlumbia

13.33$ - Gobelin around the world (20/20)
17$      - Barbies Resto-bar Grill
18$      - DIY Intro Andyversal
20.04$ - Homemade family movie Highlights
20.20$ - Theme song "Behind-the-scenes"

25$      - DIY Intro Quarter-Century Fox
39$      - Jigglypuff lullaby
77$      - No-Nonsense Theme!
80.08$ - The Boob alert


Musical interactive

4.04$   - Error 404
888bits - Photoshop + Otamatone 

9.07$   - Nayomi shows The Dance 
11.11$ - Crappy Flute 
14.29$ - Do the Gay 

27.76$ - Sqwirrell Wassail 
27.77$ - Pirate Wassail
33.28$ - Death Note The Musical
33.33$ - Surprise!
35$      - The Covid song (original)

34.04$ - Revenge of the !tech
41$      - The appartement song (original)

69$      - Sexytime with Andy
69.69$ - Sexytime with Mathieu
100$    - The 100 alert

Other Streamers Visiting the Stream
6.45$   - Cerius (Pencils45)
10.11$ - Claudio/Claudia (Thecomplements)
12.13$ - Cindzi (mamzellerylo)
22.21$ - Chantette (Missyalcazarmusic)

22.23$ - Channon (Cafesparrow)
47$      - Annoyong (JonathanOng) 
47.47$ -
GaddyTheFrenchy (MattGaddy)
66.45$ - Cerius (Pencils45) mutes Andy

88$      - Trelsa (88bitmusic)

Capture d’écran (422).png

Silent alerts

3$      - A random Andy quote
5.55$ - 1min of rain
5.56$ - 1min of snow 
5.98$ - Picture from New York
5,99$ - Picture from Punta Cana

6$      - Andy embarrassing picture
6.90$ - Learn a French Canadian expression
9.99$ - The Family Bag 



4.26$ - AndytheDonkey 
6.88$ - NOOT NOOT 
200$  - Art time (make Andy draw)
223$  - Nothing
224$  - Anything

Yippee ki yay : 1002bits
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